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30 Sep '18

Could Apple’s new Software Reduce Anxiety in Teens?

Posted by Carolyn in News

In a world of rapidly evolving technology, it has been suggested that constant connectivity through social media is leading to a rise in anxiety and mood disorders among teenagers. A study carried out in 2011 - at the height of smartphone adoption - noted a sharp spike in anxiety and mental health problems among teenagers. Apple have recently responded to this problem by developing software that allows users to limit the amount of time they spend on their phones, but will this have an impact? Perhaps not. A recent article in the New York times highlighted that while, yes smartphone addiction may contribute to mental health problems among teens, this may be a symptom of a number of deeper problems, relating to uncertainty.

As it stands, teenagers and young adults are facing greater worry and uncertainty around their careers and finances than ever before. They are the first generation that can expect to be financially worse off than their parents. At the same time, they are bombarded with information- which may be ‘fake news’ about the world they live in. What is their escape from these problems? Consuming more conflicting information and viewing lives of luxury and excess online.

Arguably, reducing screen time could assist with teenage anxiety, but it is also essential to address underlying problems and child and teenage mental health more generally. We offer a wide variety of events covering children and teenage mental health. Take a look at what we have coming up here.

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