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31 Mar '23

Practical Tips for Working with People with Dementia

Posted by Carolyn in News

A great turnout of delegates to the Let’s Talk About…Dementia & Older People conference on the 27th of March and were met with useful knowledge updates, a great range of topics and most importantly, plenty of practical advice to take away with them!

Dementia is a disease we far too often put off in the back of our minds as something we won’t need to worry about for a long time. Our insightful speakers explained that it is not an “older person’s disease” and while it can be very difficult, there are strategies in place to improve the quality of life for people with dementia.

“Lots of practical advice which I love! Brilliant range of topics and presenters”

Question: Can you guess a group in society who are harder to diagnose with dementia and why?

Answer: Nuns. This is due to them living in the same place, with same people, performing the same routine most of their lives.

This fact was from our first speaker Michelle Haddow who told us what we need to know about Dementia and Delirium. Next up was Insights into the Challenges of Communicating with Professor Alison Wray. After the refreshment break, we had Jim Ridley, looking into the Difference Between Someone with Dementia and Someone with a Learning Disability. Followed by Dr Maura Edwards, discussing the Importance of Oral Health. The morning was chaired by Dr Sally Boa, who began engaging discussions during question times.

“Excellent day – good range of speakers and very well organised”

After lunch Dr Donald Macaskill took over as chair for the afternoon and welcomed Gillian Mackay, who spoke on the importance of eating well, sharing lots of useful tips. Here is an example of some food first approaches:

dem blog.PNG

Dr Sally Boa and Jackie Higgins spoke about the quality end of life care for all (QELCA). Then came the 3 lightning talks from:

· Linzi Sansum on Supporting People with Sight Loss

· Andrea McMenemy on Hearing Loss and Dementia

· Rebecca Kellett – Top Tips for Managing Dysphagia

The conference was closed by two personal perspectives. First, Margaret McCallion spoke of her own experience having dementia, followed by Marion Ritchie discussing her experience as her husbands carer. An incredibly moving ending to a wonderful and helpful day.


“Really enjoyed listening to lived experiences”

Forthcoming Events:
Working with People on the Autistic Spectrum with Keynote Speaker Tony France
25th of May 2023
Cardonald Campus, Glasgow

**Trauma Difficulties in Children & Young People with Keynote Speaker Betsy De Theirry **
6th of July 2023
Glasgow, Grosvenor Hotel

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